Insta ART

Insta ART

Now this is cool...calling all instagrammers! Check out this site for some great stuff to put your photos on!  

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The Stain on Spain

The Stain on Spain

An interesting aerial of Spain can you can guess what this is a photo of?  If you find that interesting there is an article here to further paint the picture. Zoom in on the aerial here:...

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Polaroid Portraits Of Famous Faces

Polaroid Portraits Of Famous Faces

As I find things that inspire me I will share them with you. Here's one that I found incredibly inspiring and hey...... I'll take a number of George's ANY day! 🙂 Polaroid Portraits Of Famous Faces

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Kara Reed

Kara Reed

A portrait photo shoot on the left for Kara Reed's ad in Toronto Life Magazine - an amazingly talented real estate agent and one of the top agents for Chestnut Park Real Estate.  

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Very pleased with the look of my large humpback whale canvases installed in a clients home!

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